Sabtu, 20 November 2010

Olive Oil- Beauty Benefits

Olive oil should be used as a beauty treatment in addition to its cooking uses. There are countless remedies for using olive oil. Remember to use the best quality olive oil that you can find for beauty purposes. If you don’t enjoy doing the mixing yourself, you can buy beauty products that contain olive oil on line.

How will olive oil used in the bath soften your skin?
Mix the olive oil with other essential oils for a special treatment while you relax.
At any time use olive oil to moisturize dry areas on your body by rubbing olive oil on those spots.
Small amounts applied on chapped lips, elbows, feet or anywhere else you want acts as a super moisturizer.
If you want to improve your hair condition, rinse and soak your hair with olive oil. Try thickening your hair by soaking it in one half cup of olive oil then wrap a towel around your head for thirty minutes. Follow this treatment weekly to enhance your hair condition.
Let’s say you are a man with sensitive skin. Have you ever used olive oil on your beard? In place of shaving cream use olive oil which will soften your whiskers and give a close smoother shave.
As certainly as using olive oil for meals will produce benefits to your health consider using Olive Oil for Beauty Benefits.

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